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If you are contemplating retirement this year, or in the near future, this annual workshop is for you!

The annual ERS Retirement Workshop hosted by the CNY SRP Council is taking place on Thursday, February 13th from 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Arlene Frei with Union President Randy Scott and Social Committee Chris BesawChair

It is the goal of every civil servant to retire when the time is right – that being said Arlene Frei loyal COMBO Union Steward with just over 24 years of service to both OCM BOCES and to COMBO finally retired on 01/07/2025.

An important message on St.Joseph's Health (Trinity Health)

Excellus BCBS deal reached just before midnight on 12/31/2024!


Excellus and St. Joseph’s (Trinity) Health reach new deal, bringing to close a contentious contract season

Syracuse, NY -- Central New York’s largest health insurer reached a deal with St.Joseph’s Health late New Year’s Eve, bringing to a close the region’s last major
insurance negotiation in a contentious year.

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield and St. Joe’s announced a deal around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday that will preserve in-network coverage for more than 35,000 patients.

“Excellus BlueCross BlueShield (Excellus BCBS) and St


Happy Holidays from COMBO!

We just wanted to thank you for all the hard work that you put in all year round!

I hope you were able to get the delicious cookies that our OCM BOCES Culinary & Pastry Arts students had baked for us.

Here are a few pictures, of our students & instructor in action...


Thank you for all you do!

As the school year draws to a close, all of us at NYSUT want to thank you for your tremendous dedication. It’s been a challenging year — but through it all, you've stood strong and persevered. Over and over, you've shown how public schools are the place where students, parents and educators come together as a community.

U.S. Supreme Court hands down landmark cases

This week, the Supreme Court handed down multiple decisions that will touch the lives of millions of Americans. Earlier this week, in Carson v. Makin, the court laid the groundwork that states must provide publ


Union wins APPR reprieve

Gov. Kathy Hochul Friday signed a bill suspending, for an additional year, the Annual Professional Performance Review process. Advanced through grassroots advocacy from NYSUT members and lobbying by union legislative staff, the bill recently passed both the state Senate and the Assembly.

“As we come to the end of another school year that has been anything but normal, we welcome the governor’s decision to suspend the APPR process for another year,” said NYSUT President Andy Pallotta. “We will continue working with the legislature and the governor to address the APPR


Members Helping Members

Moving Forward from the Election – Training Opportunity

As the votes continue to be counted, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are on track to win more than 270 electoral votes and become President and Vice President of the United States. This is thanks in large part to all of the work union members, and our partners have done to engage and mobilize workers in this election. In addition to our election work, we have all been working to ensure that we count every vote and we have seen the success of our efforts across the country.
But once we get the Biden/Harris ticket into office, we must rebuild